The dangers of Wall Geckos. Real or a mystery? People typically claim that wall geckos are harmless and do not bother humans, but most tend to ignore them. They merely stake out areas in anticipation of an unfortunate insect or cockroach passing by so they may make a meal of it.Suppose you belong to the group of people with this opinion about wall geckos. In that case, you should reconsider after reading this article about how a family was wiped out in Nigeria.As investigations later revealed, the said woman had prepared a pot of soup and probably left the cover of the pot slightly open, to allow the steam from the soup to evaporate and the soup cool down before being covered. While she was away, a gecko fell into it and died.The woman and her children later ate the soup. The next day, they all died from poisoning. Nobody could immediately fathom that they ate poison. In the course of the investigation, the dead gecko was seen in the pot of soup. Apparently, the poison from the animal had leached into the soup. Ordinarily, the skin of the gecko is highly poisonous.That is why you must create a plan on how to kill all forms of geckos in your home. Do everything possible to get rid of this dangerous animal from your home.
How to get rid of wall geckos
Wall geckos are household reptiles that can be very dangerous. The presence of this reptile can make you uncomfortable because it is poisonous.VENTA DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH OPTIMIZATION SERVICESVENTA CLEANINGIt might even scare you or your children. This is why it is important that you get rid of it as soon as you can. They can fall into your food or even pass out their excrement on your plates, spoons, and cooked food.This article will give you insights on things you should do to get rid of them.
1. Fumigate your house seasonally
These reptiles are said to control bugs and insects in the home but since it makes you uncomfortable, you can kill two birds with a stone by properly fumigating your home. However, this requires you to stay away from the fumigated house for some days to avoid inhaling the odor. The odor can be poisonous.2. Use pesticidesEffective pesticides help to get rid of geckos. There are various pesticides that are effective enough to get rid of pests like wall geckos. Mothballs are an example of pesticides. They are balls of chemicals with a nice smell that can be placed anywhere, even in your cupboard, but can be harmful.3. Use sticky trapsSticky traps are gummy papers or cardboard that can be placed on walls, windows, or even on the floor to catch the geckos. This would not kill them immediately, but it gives you the opportunity to kill them yourself after being caught in the trap.4. Avoid things that could make your home comfortable for themBlock necessary holes and figure out their hiding places. The fact is that they have hidden places in your home. As soon as you find out, clear and fumigate places you perceive them to live in.5. Try out home remediesA lot of research has been carried out on home remedies to get rid of wall geckos.
Broken eggshell remedy: It is said that geckos believe eggs shells are predators so it is advisable that you break an eggshell into two and place them in strategic places.
Garlic and salt remedy: Research has it that blending garlic together with salt helps to get rid of these household pests. Spread this mixture on areas you see these reptiles. The smell will get rid of the wall geckos.