Who We Are

About Venta Investments


Your Projects are Unique, and So is our team. Venta Investments is proud to have an expert team in every specialty.

VENTA INVESTMENTS COMPANY LIMITED, is a company registered in October 2006 under Trade Register RCCM: RC / TKO / 2006B / 047, Taxpayer’s Card N° M100600022350P, National Social Insurance N° 410-0101402-G with its administrative headquarters in the heart of Akwa-Douala, 124 Bebey Elame Street in front of Allianz Insurance.
VENTA is active through its numerous services in innovation, investment, and management consulting in Cameroon and in the Cemac. Since its founding, the company has doubled its turnover year on year with an ever-growing workforce.

Our Anglo-Saxon values and management style give us the impetus to cross cultural and geographical boundaries. Today, venta has over 150 professionals on its payroll. The company has a nationwide presence. Venta has a team of specialists capable of maximizing results and delivering projects of any complexity and scope. Our employees are recognized experts in their various fields and are constantly undergoing professional refresher courses on the innovations that the company is experiencing. Venta emphasizes the services of a highly qualified staff, ready to work at any time and in any place, using its up-to-date equipment and quality biodegradable products selected by professionals to meet environmental standards.

Tazoh Venland – CEO & Founder

What We Offer

All our personnel participate in ethics training as part of our best practices program, and each employee is provided with a skill set that helps them make the best decisions.

Our Mission

To provide you with a healthy, secure environment that is conducive to your work, life and development.

Our Vision

To build together a better world, secure, contributing effectively to the emergence of our nations.

Our Values

  1. Honesty

  2. Loyalty

  3. Respect of contractual clauses

  4. Proactivity

  5. Profit in the service of humanity

Our Particularity

At venta, we make sure that we always make a difference through our various services, making sure that we offer our customers total satisfaction

Our products and services are known to be the best in terms of quality and the prices are also very affordable (quality/price)

At venta, we have a team capable of maximizing results and delivering all your work in record time.

We are available for any of our services. You can be 100% sure that the work will be delivered on time. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Our Expert Engineers

We Will Create Your Dream Home

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