VENTA School cleaning checklist

Venta School Cleaning checklist and general hygiene have always been an important part of a school’s routine and upkeep, but their importance has risen to new heights in the age of pandemics. Today, it’s the responsibility of everyone to stay on top of cleaning duties, not just your cleaning staff.

A daily cleaning schedule and a deep clean checklist are essential to stop the spread of viruses and keep everyone happier and safer in school. In this article, we’ll list every aspect of good school cleaning habits.
“A healthy Child is a more productive child”
“Poor Health affects the overall income of the family”


Children and teachers spend a lot of time together in classrooms. These indoor spaces can be a breeding ground for transmission of germs. Giving them a good daily clean should be high on your priority list.

  • Clean all doors and door handles
  • Wipe down desks and chairs
  • Clean and vacuum the floor (mop if a hard floor)
  • Empty trash and replace bin bags. Bleach trash cans periodically
  • Clean any shared supplies (like stationery or art supplies)
  • Clean light switches and any other plug sockets
  • Clean boards
  • Clean windows and windowsills


It goes without saying that toilets and bathrooms are a hotspot for germs to spread and transfer from one person to another. A stringent cleaning process is absolutely necessary in these areas of every school. As is the best in personal hygiene habits, something you can help create with our blog on encouraging pupils to wash their hands.

  • Bleach and clean all toilets and urinals
  • Ensure toilet holders are well-stocked
  • Fill up hand towels and soap dispensers
  • Clean tiles and mirrors
  • Clean and wipe sinks
  • Wipe doors, door handles, hand dryer buttons, and cubicle locks
  • Mop floor
  • Empty bins and replace bin bags. Bleach bin periodically

Staff room and other offices

Staff members should be well onboard with all the school’s endeavors to stay clean and hygienic, so hopefully your staff rooms and offices shouldn’t need too much regular attention. Still, these areas will need a once-over.

  • Doors, door handles, and cabinets cleaned
  • Light switch, plugs, kettle, and microwave cleaned
  • Computers, keyboards, and mice wiped down
  • Tables and chairs cleaned
  • The sink and kitchen top cleaned
  • Windows and windowsills cleaned
  • Mugs, cutlery, and other food and drink utensils washed
  • Floor cleaned and vacuumed (mopped if hard floor)

Hallways, entrances, Labs, and hall

These types of areas are your biggest footfall zones, with many visitors coming from outside the school adding to the crowds in these areas. Your main halls are also a potential hotbed for germ spreading, making these areas some of the most important areas for your cleaning schedule.

  • The floor should be mopped and vacuumed
  • Door and door handles cleaned
  • Windows and windowsills cleaned
  • Benches or other seating areas were wiped down
  • Sports equipment sanitized after use
  • Changing rooms thoroughly cleaned
  • Lab instruments were thoroughly cleaned

Kitchen and canteen areas

Wherever food and beverages are being handled, germs can easily spread. With the right buy-in from those in school, hopefully, these areas can be kept clean – but you’ll still need to get in there with sprays and buckets.

  • Empty trash and occasionally bleach the bins
  • Floors mopped and vacuumed
  • Chairs and tabletops were wiped down
  • All food preparation areas and equipment were thoroughly cleaned
  • Windows and windowsills cleaned
  • Door and door handles cleaned
  • Food containers, trays, and cutlery washed
  • Vending machine buttons wiped down

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Venta School Cleaning Tips